Our media students at South Bend Schools were the first to pilot a new show called TBH, where student voices can be heard on an array of current topics. Now over a dozen schools across the state of Indiana are creating episodes of the program, which air online and on Public Television. Website: https://www.tobehonestinc.com/
For the 2022 season the theme is Americana and we produced an episode focused on travel, which highlighted the South Bend Chocolate Company, Indiana National Dunes, Goshen Sculpture Gardens, Muppet Car at the Studebaker Museum, Metropolitan Greens, and History of gangster John Dillinger in South Bend and Chicago.
Join the TBH Team from South Bend Community Schools as they kick off Season 3 with a look at travel including #Muppets, #IndianaDunesNationalPark, #PokagonStatePark, #Potawatomizoo, #Southbendchocolate and #epicartadventures.
The premiere of the TBH series. This first episode tackles gun violence reported, written and produced by the students of Adams and Riley High Schools in South Bend, Indiana. Aired on WFWA PBS Ft. Wayne, Indiana and on the TBH website www.tobehonestinc.com first on March 20, 2021.
Created by our media student Max.