The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows businesses and individuals to underwrite programs on non-commercial stations like our student-run WETL 91.7 FM located at Riley High School in South Bend, Indiana.
How can underwriting benefit your business or organization?
We depend on underwriting donations to assist with enhancing the programming and operations of our TV and Radio studios, plus educational contest expenses. WETL is an award-winning student station and a member of the Indiana Association of School Broadcasters.
WETL is a 3,000 Watt FM station with a strong reach in the Michiana area. We are also continuing to improve our streaming capabilities online, which have a worldwide reach.
Our website and social media accounts are also incredibly active and are excellent ways we can additionally highlight our underwriters. We have over 1,400 Facebook followers and are also on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. Search for SBS-TV / WETL Radio online.
Our current underwriters include the Indiana Wealth Trust Management, Gear Up! South Bend Mid America Filmmakers, Richardson Productions, SBCSC Communication Department, and the South Bend Education Foundation.
Download our sponsor packet to find out more about how you can become a sponsor of student radio.