Tim is an award-winning filmmaker with over 30 years of production experience. He is President of the 501c3 non-profit Mid America Filmmakers and founder of the River Bend Film Festival, now in its 21st year. In Fall 2017, he started his role of Media Instructor for the Broadcast Media & Film Production CTE program housed at Riley High School. He has sixteen years university teaching experience and is currently Adjunct Faculty at Saint Mary’s College and a Dual Credit Instructor for Vincennes University.
E-mail: trichardson@sbcsc.k12.in.us
Erika is a journalist who has worked in radio, print, and television since 1992. Among other things she has collected two Emmys, a Telly, and several AP Awards. She has worked for every major news network affiliate including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and PBS. She has worked with our program for 7 years.
E-mail: newmoonpublishers@gmail.com
Carol is a 60+ years veteran of Radio and Television in the South Bend, and Elkhart markets. She has been with the South Bend Community School Corporation's radio station WETL FM for 40 years.
E-mail: cnicks@sbcsc.k12.in.us
Al has been working in A/V production for South Bend Schools for over 40 years. He retired in 2021, but continues his role as the WETL engineer part-time.
CTE Director
E-mail: afindlay@sbcsc.k12.in.us
CTE Coordinator
E-mail: rsavchick@sbcsc.k12.in.us